asian. american. 16. lds. lemons. limes. love. life. past. present. future. smiles. time. snippets. slides.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Quote{s} of the day :)

Dream as if you'll live forever.
Live as if you'll die tomorrow.

Everybody dies, but not everybody lives.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

this very moment.

Today is my elementary school's 30th birthday. Happy Birthday Aspen (cue kazoo).
During this lively get together, I was able to talk to my sixth grade teacher and reflect on where life has taken me. And now that i think of it. Life has taken me very far. The next two years will take me even farther. As a junior in high school i realize that that every day is moving me closer to the edge. An unknown. And it can either be bitter or sweet.
Or maybe even both.
The people I know will be moving on in life and i'll probably never see them again.
It will be over.
No high school dances, no sluffing school.
No spontaneous trips to Del Taco. No more school pictures.
No more field trips. No more yearbooks.
This life as i know it will be over, and a new chapter will begin.
And i don't know if i'm ready yet.
I've been so busy anticipating the future, planning where i'm going to college,
what i'm going to do in life, that i'm forgetting to enjoy my life as a junior.
I'll be so stressed that when i finally reach my goals and have a stable
life, i won't remember what i did during my senior year and the memories i made.
And perhaps i'm sounding like a wimp for not wanting to move on.
For not wanting something bigger or better.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Likes and Dislikes of the Halloween Holiday.

So it's October...and with October comes Halloween. I love Halloween, not only do you get free candy, (despite the frowning neighbors when they have to give you the, "aren't you a little to old for this?'' speech) but this haunted night is basically the only night that allows you to do anything you wish (besides the last day of summer (: ). People get to dress up in whatever they want and cause some chaos. Heck, i could go streaking down the street and people would yell, "Hey! Where'd you get that costume? It looks so real!!!"
 However, despite the amount of freedom and wholesome fun Halloween offers, there are some activities that make my neck hairs bristle (yes, i really did say neck hair)
These consist of:
Scary Movies
Haunted Houses
Spiders (this last one isn't really an activity, but it makes my neck hairs bristle anyway...)

I will now take the time to admit that I am a wimp. A softy. A coward. A scaredy-cat.
There. I said it.
I detest the thought of watching scary movies or entering a haunted whatever-they-can-think-of-these-days.
And if you think about it, these activities, really are stupid to do.
Who pays twenty dollars to go to a forest where they pay underage teens to hold a chainsaw and point it at you? A lot of people.
Who wastes eight dollars to watch scary images for two hours? According to statistics, a lot of people. (i'm just joking about the statistics part, i typed it into google and the first thing i got was a paranormal activity III trailer. oh the horror!)

But back to the main point. Wasting time and money on these trivial commodities is stupid.
But also addicting.
I watched the movie "The Sixth Sense" with my a bunch of friends and guess what! I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen! I had to watch every excruciatingly twisted second and now i won't be able to sleep tonight (thank you sierra!!!)
And when my friends persuade me to go to the Haunted Forest, i guess it will be worth the money to cuddle with the cute guy i've been wanting to talk for weeks on end.

Friday, October 21, 2011


how i wish...

...I could fly


what appealing cupcakes :{D

Today and Tomorrow

"we never realize what we have until it's gone"
I've heard that phrase many times, but only now does it seem to make sense to me.
The truth is that people change. And with change comes pain, but there also is relief.
Live life today, don't focus too much on tomorrow. Because tomorrow will be the day
people change and today is the day that people are the same.

hello world.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Some of you may know that i'm a hippie (is that the word for it?) at heart. My dreams consist of joining the peace corps. and becoming a professional traveler.

Sadly, the only obstacle in my way of bringing drinking water to a remote village in Swaziland is money...and my age.
So, i decided to throw my dreams in the dryer and shrink them down a size or two. I can't heal women and children from the affects of human trafficking right now but i can participate in organizations that fund those type of movements.
Some of my favorites :)

Invisible Children

Justin Bieber and Mistletoe... what more can you ask for?

It's October. And I'm already excited for Christmas.
Anyone think I'm being a little too extreme?
Blame it on Justin.
Just in case you don't understand where i'm coming from...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Addressed to anyone who will actually read this blog...

Hello fellow web-surfers! Today must be your lucky day because i decided to create a blog! Wahooo!!! I've never really given much thought to making a blog, aside from the fact that the majority of my friends have one and they all seem to enjoy it. So I guess i'll make one too??
Another reason i decided to create this blog is because blogs can be dang cute, i mean, hello? wallpaper? with flying birds???? the possibilities are infinitesimal!!{pardon the punctuation and spelling's been a long day}
 Speaking of long days... why am i writing this in the middle of night in my parents room???
 I haven't a clue my friends.
I probably should go to bed.
I have an AP Bio chapter test tomorrow.
So screwed.