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Thursday, October 27, 2011

this very moment.

Today is my elementary school's 30th birthday. Happy Birthday Aspen (cue kazoo).
During this lively get together, I was able to talk to my sixth grade teacher and reflect on where life has taken me. And now that i think of it. Life has taken me very far. The next two years will take me even farther. As a junior in high school i realize that that every day is moving me closer to the edge. An unknown. And it can either be bitter or sweet.
Or maybe even both.
The people I know will be moving on in life and i'll probably never see them again.
It will be over.
No high school dances, no sluffing school.
No spontaneous trips to Del Taco. No more school pictures.
No more field trips. No more yearbooks.
This life as i know it will be over, and a new chapter will begin.
And i don't know if i'm ready yet.
I've been so busy anticipating the future, planning where i'm going to college,
what i'm going to do in life, that i'm forgetting to enjoy my life as a junior.
I'll be so stressed that when i finally reach my goals and have a stable
life, i won't remember what i did during my senior year and the memories i made.
And perhaps i'm sounding like a wimp for not wanting to move on.
For not wanting something bigger or better.

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