asian. american. 16. lds. lemons. limes. love. life. past. present. future. smiles. time. snippets. slides.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Addressed to anyone who will actually read this blog...

Hello fellow web-surfers! Today must be your lucky day because i decided to create a blog! Wahooo!!! I've never really given much thought to making a blog, aside from the fact that the majority of my friends have one and they all seem to enjoy it. So I guess i'll make one too??
Another reason i decided to create this blog is because blogs can be dang cute, i mean, hello? wallpaper? with flying birds???? the possibilities are infinitesimal!!{pardon the punctuation and spelling's been a long day}
 Speaking of long days... why am i writing this in the middle of night in my parents room???
 I haven't a clue my friends.
I probably should go to bed.
I have an AP Bio chapter test tomorrow.
So screwed.

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